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The Descendants
As smart, perceptive, and evocative as Hemmings' premiere literary offering was, (the superlative short story collection House of Thieves, 2005), her irresistible debut novel is light years beyond. Expanding on a tale in that collection, Hemmings follows Matt King and his daughters, precocious 10-year-old Scottie and temperamental 17-year-old Alex, in the aftermath of his wife's involvement in a boating accident that leaves her in a coma. While Joanie tenaciously hangs on, Matt and his daughters tentatively navigate the uncharted waters of life-without-Mom. Reeling from the discovery that Joanie had been having an affair, Matt considers his two out-of-control daughters and realizes that he's failed as both a husband and father. Determined to track down and confront his wife's lover, Matt and the girls embark on a journey of atonement and discovery that will set the course for the rest of their lives. Evincing a sublimely mature style and beguiling command of theme and setting, Hemmings' virtuoso performance offers a piquantly tender and winsomely comic portrait of a singular family's revealing response to tragedy.
The Possibilities

"Hemmings writes a piercing, empathetic story about parenthood and unfathomable heartbreak and manages to bring humor and hope to her characters. Emotionally complex and relatable to all, it will be particularly understandable to those who’ve experienced the inexplicable, devastating loss of a loved one."
—Kirkus (starred review)

How To Party With An Infant

​"An entertaining portrait of an economically comfortable place and people...Hemmings perfectly captures modern parenthood among the privileged and, with moments of concise poignancy, the silent shames of motherhood...The pleasure of Hemmings's levity and wisdom more than sustain the reader. We cheer for her warm, self-deprecating characters and hope they continue to laugh together instead of crying alone."
—New York Times Book Review 



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